All visitors remember to sign in when attending gardens
Get Informed and Share...
- Check our garden notice board
- Feel free to leave messages in the communication book in the shed
- Visit us on Facebook or Pinterest
- For more information, visit our website subscribe to our newsletter, or send us an email to [email protected]
Get involved…
- Become a member
- Come along and share
- If you have any questions about the garden please speak to a committee member or garden coordinators, listed on the board
Being a Member…
- Memberships and plot renewals are due each year, gate code is changed each year
- Returning plot holders will be given first preference
- Current plot holders are listed on the shed map, please speak to the coordinator on available plots
Attend Your Plot Regularly…
- Try to visit your plot at least once each week.
- Weed around your plot and pathway
- Your produce may be removed by volunteers if it is ridden with disease or pests
- Growing and Picking Produce…
- Member plots and produce are reserved for current plot holder(s)
- Please do not pick from other peoples’ plots
- Feel free to enjoy the community space in the sign posted areas
We are Family Friendly…
- Keep our garden safe for the community, children, and other gardeners
- Do not bring anything that will compromise the safety of the garden
Be Responsible…
- An enjoyable gardening experience for all is the primary goal of this garden
- Observe the rules of the garden and be a good neighbour
- Organic principles apply - no chemical pesticides or herbicides to be used
- Help us be litter, debris and weed free
- Kindly pick up after your dog
- Observe the compost and recycle systems – refer to signs
Keep it Tidy…
- Help us maintain a clean shed and toilet
- Report any damages
Going Away?...
Use the PLOT SIT sign if you are unable to care for your plot for any reason
Conserve Water…
- Please do not modify the reticulation, any questions ask the Retic Coordinator
- Use mulch such as compost, leaves, straw and hay
- Use clay or wetting agent to retain the moisture of the soil
We have a Worm Farm…
Let’s keep them happy - refer to signs
Last to Leave
- Please LOOK and LOCK the shed, toilet and gate
- Help us remain a friendly safe garden.
Mandurah Community Gardens acknowledges the Bindjareb people as traditional custodians of this land and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.
Webmaster: Wisefocus Designs, Mandurah WA.
©2023 Mandurah Community Gardens Inc.
©2023 Mandurah Community Gardens Inc.