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from Mandurah Community Gardens
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I LOVE Bamboo. Yes, the best stuff will grow runners and spread quickly, however, it's also great for homemade garden stakes, making trellis and lots of other crafty projects. It also looks good.
I happened to mention this to my new neighbour who "found" a piece of bamboo for me to grow as a screen along my fence. It's the type of bamboo that grows very tall and produces bamboo about 1 inch thick. PERFECT! Bamboo needs a trench 40cm deep, that is full of good soil, and no obstacles such as roots that will hinder the growing path. Problem 1. I have a half dead tree right in the spot where I want to grow the bamboo. Son number 2 removed all the branches leaving me with a huge pile to get rid of. How to get rid of the mess? Son number 2 came to the rescue by giving me his mulcher. It's the same electric mulcher that was mentioned in earlier emails. The same as the one my other neighbour loaned me when we removed the trees from the front yard. I am in love with it. Son number 2 said he considered it as a fair exchange for all the food he will get later. How good is that? Problem 2. I removed several concrete slabs and started digging before discovering just how many roots were hindering my bamboo garden bed. Some are huge. and I had barely scratched the surface - reaching 40cm of root free soil was looking impossible. I also still had large branches left over - too big for my mulcher. I needed a chainsaw but I don't want one. They are too heavy for me, too expensive to buy and too expensive to run. A small bottle of chainsaw oil costs about $17, and you need lots of it. Then I would need to buy the tools to sharpen it etc. Plan 2 - I discovered that there exists an electric hand held cutting tool that is perfect for all the cutting jobs around the garden. It's called a Reciprocating Saw. After doing my homework and reading the reviews I found one for $70 at Bunnings. It's the XU1 710W Reciprocating Saw. - Yea Yea - you probably all know about these things but this was news for me. Enter my beloved Mother who has offered to buy this for me. I will be picking it up today! How exciting! All those tough branches and roots here I come! Problem 3. I now have a small pile of concrete slabs that need to be relocated. You guessed it - the spot where I want them is overgrown and will take me days of digging and probably some help to move them. I can move one about 4 feet before I need to sit and breathe. If that damned bamboo dies I will SCREAM! LOL! A story from a very happy gardener. Lana
December 2024