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from Mandurah Community Gardens
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When summer is here it comes a few things to be aware of in our community garden... Blue tongue Lizards and snakes
Pests and disease in your patch
Seed Collecting
Tomato picking in the communal beds Excited as we are to harvest tomatoes as they begin to colour, please refrain from picking them until they are RED. Vine ripened tomatoes have a better flavour. Your patch
Ants Ants are active in the garden. They do like dry covered areas. They don't like water and sunlight to nest. My suggestion is put pots up on bricks, pour boiling water into nests that are affecting your patch, and do this often. Please let me know if you have any suggestions, concerns or comments.
Thanks for keeping the pathways around your patch weed free, keep bricks, stakes and vines free and accessible for all our visitors and fellow members to use safely. Happy Gardening from Cheryl
December 2024