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from Mandurah Community Gardens
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With COVID-19 restrictions being eased, we're all now out in the garden and getting busy - and isn't it wonderful! Gardens are all about life and growth.With the changes brought on by the COVID crisis, it hasn't deterred us. Instead, the members have used the time-out to reflect on what we needed to do to improve things around the garden. The MCG committee members toiled over many ideas at many meetings both online and at the gardens to make the garden a welcoming sanctuary for members and visitors alike. The enthusiasm and efforts made are a credit to every member involved. So, what has been happening? Mandurah Community Gardens has connected up with many knowledgeable and helpful people and organisations in the Peel area. We have been helped and supported by Community Development Officer, Thomas Wood, from the CIty of Mandurah who has come up with many great ideas and advice for the gardens to integrate with the wider community. This is an ongoing project with new links to our community being established and maintained. Mandurah Community Gardens received a visit from Zac Kirkup MLA Dawesville and Liberal candidate for Mandurah, Ryan Burns, who were introduced to the gardens by members. They showed great interest and enthusiasm for what the gardens provides to the community and have offered their ongoing support. Ryan followed up by organising a generous donation of carpet off-cuts for controlling the winter weeds. Later in the month, committee members met with Amanda Burton at Zac Kirkup's office to discuss sources of funding, namely Containers For Cash, and community involvement ideas. It was an invaluable and constructive meeting that has given Mandurah Community Gardens many avenues to explore and utilise. We have some big cost projects coming up, particularly with redevelopment of the Communal Garden area, garden paths, maintenance of older plots ,reticulation overhaul, and security of the grounds. WORKSHOPS Our workshops are back on again, starting on 5th September with a series of handy gardening topics hosted by our long-time contributor Chris Lampard. Chris will be teaching us about growing from seeds, composting and preparing the garden for summer. Always popular workshops, everyone is looking forward to seeing Chris again. The Gardens are here for youIf you live in the Peel region and haven't been to the gardens at all, or in a while, feel free to drop by and look around! Mandurah Community Gardens is a great place to meet people, have a chat and to feel the serenity! Mandurah Community Gardens supports mental health awareness
and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle Comments are closed.
December 2024