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from Mandurah Community Gardens
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On Friday 17th February, The Hon. David Templeman MLA, a long time supporter and patron of Mandurah Community Gardens, provided a fantastic morning tea for members at Mandurah Community Gardens to celebrate getting a $15,000 grant from Lotterywest. David, a keen gardener himself with a particular fondness for growing veggies from heirloom (heritage) seeds, kindly paid for the catering from Miss Maud's in Mandurah which was comprised of a delicious selection of their famous club sandwiches and cakes! David is as excited as all of us to see how the gardens will benefit with the extension of the covered patio area, and the installation of a new kitchen in the common room (the big shed), to built this year. A big thank you to Lotterywest for helping us with a grant, and to David for providing the occasion to celebrate! The event was covered in the local news by The Mandurah Mail and The Coastal Times in print and on their websites.
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December 2024