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from Mandurah Community Gardens
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Mandurah Community Gardens was contacted by Katherine, one of the organisers of the Australian Association For Environmental Education's (AAEE) 21st Biennial Conference and 4th Research Symposium being held in Mandurah on the 28th to the 30th September. This conference aims to showcase innovative, practical and effective tools to help us "change the tides" of environmental and sustainability education. The community garden was asked if we would accept the organic waste from the conference. Of course, we said yes! Once the day's waste was weighed and recorded, it found it's way to the garden's worm farms and compost heap. One hundred people were able to reduce their lunch, morning and afternoon tea waste down to one bucket full. Wrapped in worm and compost friendly bags made from vegetables and not plastic the waste was collected by Cheryl from the garden then the bags were torn up and added with the food scraps, serviettes and green bags to a worm farm and the compost as an experiment to see how long it will take the bags to break down. How amazing it is to be associated with this important event for the environment and sustainability!
Mandurah Community Gardens is doing it's bit by using organic practices and collecting items for recycling that aren't able to go into the yellow bin for collection. We are working our way towards zero waste and a "plastic bag free" community garden. Comments are closed.
December 2024