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from Mandurah Community Gardens
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Why are reviews needed?
Reviews help us know what we are doing right or what we need to do with our online presence make it an interesting and enjoyable experience for you. Passive Vs. Active Involvement The feedback received from reviews and seen by others helps make the virtual world of the internet more real for people visiting, its a proactive step beyond the quick click on a "like". Through the sharing of information, creating discussions, giving suggestions or our sharing of ideas, we are communicating. A community works much better together when it communicates with each other, but the passive viewer who doesn't interact causes our group to have less significance in this modern world, and we disappear off the radar of Facebook, Google and other online platforms. The alternative method to getting our message out there is to advertise, and that is what the online services would prefer us to do. But for a nonprofit organisation like the Mandurah Community Gardens, letting people know that we exist by paying money would only serve to make us operate like a commercial venture, rather than the community one that we all value and love. We rely on the generosity of you and others to exist, and in turn our volunteers offer their time and efforts to help continue providing a great service to our community. We value your words of appreciation So, we rely on your patronage and help in spreading the word about us. If you can help us out by giving us your review and more importantly, some feedback with it, everyone in our community will know the value of Mandurah Community Gardens and be reminded that it is always there for them.
Watch the video below to see how to give your review on Facebook
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December 2024